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Notice and Disclaimer: We offer Sponsored Research services as part of our commitment to provide high-quality research and information to the investment community. Paul M. Wendee & Associates, LLC may have received a flat fee from the company discussed in this report as part of a Sponsored Research agreement between Paul M. Wendee & Associates, LLC and the company; or may have an investment banking arrangement with the company. No part of Paul M. Wendee & Associates, LLC Research’s compensation is directly or indirectly related to the content of this assessment or to other opinions expressed in this report. Paul M. Wendee & Associates, LLC provides a suite of Sponsored Research services including, but not limited to, initial reports with ongoing coverage and updates; proprietary Paul M. Wendee & Associates, LLC earnings estimates; distribution to Paul M. Wendee & Associates, LLC’s clients; a license to enable the company to proactively use and distribute the report; and a press release announcing our initial coverage and updates. Paul M. Wendee & Associates, LLC may receive a part of its compensation in the form of stock or other securities issued by the company discussed in this report, and may have a long equity position or short sale position in the company’s stock. Paul M. Wendee & Associates, LLC may have been involved in underwriting securities for the subject company, and may receive proceeds or other financial benefit from any securities offering by the company. Paul M. Wendee & Associates, LLC; its officers, directors, and affiliates; and the author of this report may have a financial interest in, or affiliation with, the subject firm. Please see the other Disclaimers and Notices on the subject report and on the Intrinsic Value Wealth Report Newsletter website.